
How far in advance should I place my reservation?
Availability changes daily and we suggest placing your reservation as soon as you have a firm date and time. We will make every attempt to accommodate last-minute reservations based on vehicle and chauffeur availability.
How do I reserve a limousine?
You can reserve a limousine simply by calling our office at 281-631-5546 and a reservationist will take some necessary information. A deposit is required to hold or reserve a limousine. Once the deposit is satisfied, we will send you a confirmation.
How do I pay for my limousine service?
We accept all major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
When is my credit card charged?
Your credit card will be charged a deposit at the time reservation is made and the remaining balance will be charged on the first business day before pick-up date.
Is gratuity included or should I tip my chauffeur?
Gratuity is not added to the reservation costs, unless you would prefer. However we do suggest 20%.
Do you do pick up and drops or is there a minimum hourly requirement?
We have a four (4) hour minimum Sunday - Friday, Saturday there is a (4-5) minimum . Some restrictions apply. Rates vary based on the day of the week.
Is the limousine stocked with beverages?
Limousines are stocked with ice and water and there are glasses available for your use as well. Clients are welcome to bring additional beverages. We do not provide any alcohol in any of our vehicles and underage drinking is not allowed under any circumstances.
Can my children ride in the limo without supervision?
We require at least one adult present in the limo at all times with children 13 years of age and younger.